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Prepare For Production Release

Optimize Your App

This library has a variety of utilities for different purposes, and you will probably only use some utilities, so it is recommended that you read this guide to configure your app release to remove unused code and resources.

Once you set minifyEnabled true in android > buildTypes > release on your app Gradle file, all unused code from the library will be removed from the APK or App Bundle you generate for production.


It is very important that you read and understand the shrink, obfuscate, and optimize your app guide before enabling minifyEnabled true option.

Remove Log

The log messages emitted by the library are useful when developing and debugging the app, but are often unnecessary in the production release. The library has ProGuard rules configured to delete automatically all log messages emitted by the library in the APK or App Bundle you generate for production. Note that for these rules to apply, you must have configured minifyEnabled true in your app Gradle file.