Definition for a text watermark.
Text for the watermark.
Text size for the watermark.
Color-int for the watermark text.
Position for the watermark inside of the image.
Watermark offset for the x-axis.
Watermark offset for the y-axis.
Rotation in degrees for the watermark.
Opacity of the watermark. This is a value from 0 to 1, where 0 means the watermark is completely transparent and 1 means the watermark is completely opaque.
Custom font for the watermark text, if value is null applies default font.
Shadow configuration for text watermark, null for not apply shadow.
Type of dimension to use to draw watermark, its apply for textSize, dx, dy and shadow configuration (radius, dx and dy). For example, if the value of dx is 10f and measurementDimension is Dimension.PX, the offset of the drawn watermark will be 10 px in x-axis, but if measurementDimension is Dimension.DP, the the offset of the drawn watermark in x-axis will be calculate according the screen density. It is recommended to use DP instead of SP to prevent the text size from being affected by the device's font size setting.